A Detailed Guide On Anesthetic and Recreational Powders

I know many people will get excited about this one! Getting a detailed guide on how to use various aesthetic and recreational powders is more important than you think because many people out there like to experiment with different products and end up doing something they’re not supposed to, endangering themselves.
Well, if you are looking to purchase one of the products from Main Labs, you’ll need to know a few things about the safe use. Not to worry, I’ll let you know all the things you need to know before getting your hands on Benzocaine Powder or one of many other products you might be interested in.
You might have heard about a couple of products this shop has to offer and think that those are some kind of illegal products because there is no way they can be sold worldwide just like that. Well, the names of some products might be the same as the ones used for anesthesia, but I promise you the purpose is very different. No one who isn’t a professional should use these products to make anything illegal but to actually use them for their intended use.
So, now that’s out of the way, let’s see which incense is available and why people love it so much.

Benzocaine is usually used as a painkiller and can be found in cough drops, but that’s not what we are looking at today. Main Labs offers a product under the same name, but I promise you it’s not meant for pharmaceutical use. Instead, Benzocaine Powder available here is used to bring out the magical freshness of the room, give it aroma, and overall, make everything smell 10 times nicer.
Who would have guessed that a product under this name would be used to make a room smell nice? You might not expect this, but Benzocaine is one of the best-selling products in the nation, and there’s a good reason for that. Customers just can’t get over the fact how good this aroma is, so they keep coming back for more.
Now, if you think this is the product you need, and it’s been missing from your life, you can get it in different sizes. The smallest pack is just half an ounce, but that won’t last you a while. If you want to get one of the bigger packages, you can’t choose between 1oz, 8oz, 16oz, or one kilo!
Purchasing the biggest pack has a specific use, and that is for manufacturing, processing, and repacking, just like it’s stated on the package. However, it is not to be used for mixing with diluting or any other existing drugs in order to make anything illegal!
Lidocaine HCL

As you might have guessed, Lidocaine Powder is yet another one of the products that might have the same name as one of the anesthetics used by medical professionals, but in this case, it’s one of the incenses that people can’t buy enough of.
Adding this incense to your room will make it smell so much nicer, and leaving that room will be harder than you can think because you won’t be able to get over how good it smells. Everyone loves walking in a room that has a nice smell, and that’s exactly what will happen after getting one of the Lidocaine HCL packages.
Just like before, this product comes in different sizes, ranging from ½ oz to 1 kilo. Also, mixing it with any existing drugs or trying to make this product into any type of other substance is highly illegal, so make sure you don’t experiment with it. As long as you keep to the intended use, you will have nothing to worry about!
Miami Ice

Since we are talking about recreational powders, people will get all kinds of ideas, but let’s not go there. Even though hearing the name Miami Ice will immediately make you think this is another one of the illegal substances people use for fun, it’s not. Don’t let the name fool you into thinking this is your chance to fool around with a product, hoping to achieve something, because that’s not the case this time!
Miami Ice Powder is one of the best-selling incense because it can be used to freshen up the room and give it an aroma that’s hard to resist. Also, if you mix it with essential oils, you can obtain an amazing scent you might haven’t had the chance to smell ever before.
This product can be purchased in different sizes, and just like I’ve said before, I’ll say it again. It is not meant to be mixed with other drugs, hoping to create a new illegal substance people will be eager to purchase. The intended use of this product is to make any room smell nice, so that should be the only reason you get yourself one of the products!
Peruvian Flake

You might not like the way the aroma Miami Ice Powder gives to the room, so you turn to one of the other roomodorizers. Well, Peruvian Flake is just as good as the previous product, and it has the same purpose: to make any room you put it in smell fantastic.
I know you’ve heard this before, but when we are talking about products like Peruvian Flake, which can easily be mistaken for something else, it needs to be pointed out that this power shouldn’t be used for some recreational activities and definitely not be used for mixing with other substances. That can lead to different problems, and we don’t want that, right?
Peruvian Flake in different sizes, so pick the one that’s the most suitable for you. You can choose between ½ oz, 1 oz, 8 oz, 16 oz, and 1 kg package, but regardless of the package you get, make sure you stick to the intended use!
Bolivian Rock

It’s hard not to think that Bolivian Rock is not one of the recreational drugs people like to use when they go out, but I promise you it’s not! It is not to be used as something to ingest because it can lead to various problems, which is definitely not something we want. Even though the name might be misleading, this is one of the fastest-selling incense in the market, and people are eager to get it as soon as it’s available!
Bolivian Rock is to be added to any room you want, and it will bring out the magical freshness you’ve always wanted. Also, mixing it with various essential oils will create a fantastic scent you won’t be able to forget! This type of room odorizer comes in a rock form, and it also has a white powder texture. Now, because of the product’s name and the texture that resembles some illegal substances, it’s important not to get any crazy ideas that can lead to various problems. The only thing this incense should be for is to make a room smell fantastic!
Make your room smell amazing

If you are looking for a new scent that will make any room you want to smell fantastic, you have come to the right place! MainLabs offers a wide range of room odorizers, and some of them have quite catchy names that might make you believe they are not what they really are. So, waste no more time and pick one of the products you like the most, and place it in the room to bring out the freshness and give it an amazing scent!