The Comprehensive Guide to Lidocaine: HCL and Powder Form

Have you ever heard about the product Lidocaine? If so, the chances are you’ve heard it from your doctor or someone who’s been prescribed to use it by a professional, but have you ever stopped and wondered what it is? Everything that is issued by a doctor is serious and shouldn’t be taken lightly, so anyone who decides to use such a product should inform themself plenty!
Even though the real, authentic Lidocaine can only be purchased with a prescription, there are other products, which are almost identical, and have similar effects can still be acquired. Main Labs sells different types of products that can be used as cleaning solvents, room odorizers, air fresheners, etc. Well, if you want to get your hands on the highest pharmaceutical grade Lidocaine Powder, you can get it from this store, but before you do that, we’ll tell you all about the safe usage of this product.
Now, before we get into all the details, you should be aware that using Lidocaine HCL for anything other than its intended use is highly illegal, but that’s not the only thing you should worry about. Using it for anything else other than it should be used for can cause various problems, and you wouldn’t want that, would you? So, how about we stick to the manual and see why people are purchasing this product?
What’s it used for?

Lidocaine HCL is to be used for treating certain skin conditions and to stop skin from itching. Now, this sounds like a pretty easy thing to do. All you should do is take a bit of this product and apply it to your skin, right? Well, that might be true, but you shouldn’t do anything on your own, at least not before consulting with a professional.
As you already know, it’s easy to mess things up, and in this case, that could lead to some complications. So, before grabbing jar of Lidocaine Powder, it would be best to talk to your doctor and see if you really need it. Purchasing it and using it for anything else is not only illegal but also dangerous for those who aren’t informed enough!
Let’s clear things up even more. Lidocaine is an anesthetic that works only for a short period of time. As we said, it has its purposes, but how does it work? Well, it numbs a part of the skin for a short period of time and helps with the treatment. That’s all you need to know for now.
How to use Lidocaine HCL?

One of the most important things is to know how to use this product. You might think you know how it should be used, but instead of guessing and hoping for the best, I’ll tell you the one and only way Lidocaine should be used.
Every container comes with instructions, but if you are interested in learning the process of self-treatment right away, we’ll help you out. So, the first thing you should do is get a container of Lidocaine Powder, obviously. After that, you’ll have to locate the part of your body that requires treatment and get it ready.
What do we mean by saying, get it ready? Well, you will have to clean and dry the affected area as directed by the instructions. Once you’ve done that, you will want to apply a thin layer of this product to the affected area of the skin. Now, this seems like a pretty easy thing to do, but one thing you shouldn’t do is overdo it! Usually, it should be applied 2 to 3 times a day, so if we were you, we would stick to those numbers.
Be careful when applying the product.

It might seem really hard to harm yourself while applying this product to your skin, but trust us when we tell you that bad things can happen when you least expect them. Let’s just say you use your bare hands to apply Lidocaine HCL to your skin. You might not cause any problems at that very moment, but if you don’t wash your hands immediately afterward, you might go to rub your eyes, and that’s when the real problems start.
So, once you make up your mind on using Lidocaine, make sure to clean yourself immediately afterward. That will minimize the risk of harming yourself, and that’s the most important thing besides treating the affected part of your skin!
Choose a size

Everything comes in different sizes, and so does Lidocaine HCL. Now, before you rush to purchase the biggest and the most expensive container, you need to ask yourself how much of this product you planning to use. When you buy more at Main Labs, you save more as well. Grabbing the biggest container available would do the trick and save you the most money in the long run. There’s no point though spending money on something you might not need that much of. Our most popular sizes and top sellers of Lidocaine HCL is the 8oz and 16oz containers.
So, depending on how much of this product you need, you can purchase a container starting from a ½ oz going all the way to a 1kg container. As you can see, that’s a pretty big difference in sizes, and as you already know, in price as well. The least expensive container costs $62, which is known as the “sample sizeâ€, and our largest size is the Kilo which costs $815. The kilo size is enough for anyone and one of the best deals we have.
Please only purchase Lidocaine powder if you know how to properly use this product. All containers come with instructions on the side of the containers.
What not to do

Even though I mentioned before that Lidocaine should only be used for treatment, we still have to tell you what you shouldn’t do because it will get you into a lot of trouble. As you already know, a lot of people out there like to experiment with different things, and Lidocaine has found itself on that list as well.
There are people who might think it’s a good idea to use Lidocaine for manufacturing end products, creating drugs for public use, or mixing it with existing drugs. Well, those are all highly illegal ideas, and we can’t stress enough how bad of an idea it would be to do either one of those things. So, as long as you don’t inappropriately use Lidocaine, you’ll be in the clear.
Fast shipping

We’re pretty sure everyone would like to get their products as soon as possible. It doesn’t matter if you are buying Lidocaine Powder or one of the other high-end products from the Main Labs store; you would still like to get it as soon as possible. Well, the good thing is that all orders are discreetly shipped via UPS, but that’s not all. They work around the clock, so whether you order something in the middle of the night or first thing in the morning, your order will be processed, packed, and shipped ASAP; arriving in only 2 – 5 business days!