Which cleaning solvent does the best job?

Maintaining a pristine living space requires more than just elbow grease, as just that will not get you far. Instead, combining hard work with an arsenal of cleaning solvents is bound to make your household look spotless and smell like you’re at heaven’s gate.
Of course, in the ever-expanding market, it can be difficult to stand out from the competition, but Mainlabs tends to achieve that by having a lineup of powerful products that can tackle any task when it comes to cleaning.
Even those toughest stains that are stopping you from revitalizing your space stand no chance in front of a Mainlab product, and the only difficulty you can have when cleaning pesky stains is choosing from many options available. Luckily, we are here to help you choose a maximum impact cleaning solvent.
Jungle Juice Poppers

One of the best stains removed out there has to be Jungle Juice, which comes in six different variants: Max, Gold, Plus, Blue, Black, and Platinum Incense. All of the Jungle Juice Poppers are fantastic options for cleaning, as no stain stands a chance against them.
However, if you are looking for a powerful cleaning solvent, then going for the Jungle Juice Platinum is the right call. The moment you open up a bottle of this, you will realize why this is such a fantastic cleaning product, as the smell is absolutely great.
The best part about it is that the smell lingers for quite some time, which will give you value for your buck, and each time you enter a room that you have cleaned with Jungle Juice Platinum, you will feel like you have entered a verdant rainforest.
Of course, everyone has a preference when it comes to smell, so checking out other options such as the Jungle Juice Black or Jungle Juice Plus is also suggested as they come in both 10ml and 30ml options, which is the same as Jungle Juice Platinum.
In case those two bottles are not the options you are looking for, but you need something that is in between them, then Jungle Juice Blue is an amazing cleaner that is available in a 15ml bottle as well as the other two options in case you need more or less of it in the future your cleaning adventures.
While every Jungle Juice does have an incredible smell, if it happens to fade out before you actually have to do another round of cleaning, using a room odorizer such as Benzocaine Powder or Lidocaine HCL is a fantastic and easy way to create a pleasant odor in your household.
Maximum Impact Spray

Whether you are looking to make a maximum impact on cleaning or maximum impact on saving money on cleaning products, the Maximum Impact Spray is the perfect solution for you. Since it is available in a 20pk, it is the perfect option for those who provide cleaning services for others. Not only because it will save you money in the long run but also because it will make your job immensely easier due to how easy cleaning with it is.
You can forget wasting precious time on stains that just do not seem to let go. Instead, a couple of sprays from this cleaning solvent will make things feel like you are making the stains vanish as you swipe over them.
Due to the focus of Maximum Impact Spray being on eliminating stains like no other cleaning solvent, it does have a weakness, which is the lack of a smell. While this may seem great for a lot of cleaning enthusiasts, for those who love having a pleasant odor after they are done cleaning, there are various options to add to your cleaning toolkit.
Magic Rock Incense and Miami Ice Powder are great incenses that will transform your space into a magical place. Their incredible aroma can create a very relaxing environment, and there is nothing as good as relaxing after you are done cleaning.
Crypt Tonight

One can easily be fooled by the size of a Crpyt Tonight bottle, as it is only 10ml big. However, this cleaning solvent is one of the most powerful ones on the market, and no stain will stand a chance against it as it includes Isobutyl Nitrite.
Even if Crypt Tonight is extremely powerful, using it is quite easy. All you have to do is put on a pair of cleaning gloves, dip a cotton swab into the solvent, and apply it to the area where you want to remove the stains. Due to its incredible power, it is suggested to test a small amount on the surface you are planning to use it on, as sensitive materials can be mistaken for stains by this powerful cleaning solvent.
If you are living in an area where you often find bug stains on your car’s windshield or windows, when Crypt Tonight is an affordable option starting at $12.95 that will easily get rid of those stains for you. There is no need to drive your car to a car wash when you can easily remove all the stains at home with Crypt Tonight.
Suppose you are looking for some incense to make the room you just cleaned with Crypt Tonight smell amazing. In that case, we suggest using Lidocaine Powder or the Peruvian Flake incenses, as they perfectly combine with the aroma that Crypt Tonight leaves behind. This is especially true for the Peruvian Flake, as it is one of Main Labs’ best products when it comes to refreshing a room with pleasant odors.
Leather Eagle

Despite its name, Leather Eagle is not limited to cleaning only leather. It is, in fact, capable of cleaning stains from almost anything. Once you apply it to your cleaning swab, you can swoop in like an eagle and remove them in an instant.
It is worth noting that Leather Eagle is a powerful cleaning product, and after you clean the bottom of your hats, harnesses, chaps, boots, or whichever leather product, you should consider leaving them in a ventilated room before using them first.
A great thing about Leather Eagle is that it comes in two bottles. The smaller 10ml version is perfect for personal use if you do not have to clean to often, and the 30ml bottle is great for group cleaning or for those who find themselves running out of the 10ml bottle too fast, as the bigger option is more affordable in the long run.
Like with the previous cleaning solvents, we have some great recommendations for room odorizers that you can combine with this one. The Bolivian Rock is the perfect incense that will freshen up the room after you eliminate stains with the Leather Eagle. You can use the rock incense on its own, or if you want an enhanced smell, you can combine it with essential oils.
If you end up being clumsy and staining some leather while using essential oils, having Leather Eagle with you already will remove that need to wonder how to remove such a stain from your favorite personal items.
Experiment with the options available!
While the suggested combinations of cleaning solvents and room odorizers are our personal favorites, we highly encourage you to try mixing things up a bit. Maybe you discover a combination of smells that you prefer even more, such as using the Peruvian Flake incense after you are done cleaning with one of the Jungle Juice Poppers!